Thursday, December 3, 2009

fine strokes.

images via laura hooper. {one of my favs.}

I love the sophisticated look that calligraphy creates on an invitation or a piece of correspondence... I just adore it. I have saved some of my favorites I have received on my inspiration board at home and stare at them longingly. About 2.5 months ago, I decided I would meander over to the library and check out some "How to Books" on Calligraphy. I went through cycles of practicing very diligently, getting frustrated, burying the books, and then attempting to try again. It is such a beautiful, albeit lucrative, talent. I love the free flowing, romantic feel of calligraphic script, but it sure takes practice. I have done my research & bought my supplies, all I need is to get focused. Imagine my excitement when I saw these quick, simple tips Jordan posted on Oh Happy Day. Sheer giddiness.
It's true, anything looks better with the calligraphic juxtaposition of the dainty fine line with the bold, thick strokes. Oh, I just love it.
I feel like I should be donning one of these feminine gowns while I practice, sitting at my creamy white secretary's desk, sipping on a glass of raspberry champagne. {sigh.}
{Don't worry, I tried making one of these skirts out of black taffeta one Christmas, and my friends can attest, it was an failure! - however, I wore it anyways.- oh dear! I just think the shape is so flattering, no?}

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